0 votes
EllieNycole by EllieNycole (120 points)
Multi items for 1 outfit such as top, skirt & shoes. I would like to know how to remove the top or the shoes from the outfit through the wardrobe. I have sub folders to add the single items, now I would like to remove them just as easy.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Carlyle Theas by Carlyle Theas (9.8k points)

You can either remove the entire item (including all subfolders) from the "Worn Items" window, or you can click the bra icon in the item heading to remove the entire item, or click on the icon at the subfolder to remove only that subfolder:

If your item doesn't list the subfolders, you could open the "Wear with options" window (click the shirt icon with the gear). You'll see a list of subfolders. Click the bra icon next to the subfolder you want to remove.
