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Khuld by Khuld (240 points)
I am trying to switch to HTTP, but I am having trouble making it work. The site automatically changes to HTTPS. I tried changing the site settings to allow everything, but I keep getting the message.

I saw a footnote to whitelist it, but how do I do that? I am not sure what plugin that redirects to HTTPS automatically.

1 Answer

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Mareth by Mareth (1.7k points)
There are a couple of things you need to do.

1. Uncheck the HTTPS check box under HUD Settings prefs on the Wardrobe website.

2. Go into settings for the web browser you use and add http://www.carlyletheassolutions.com/ as allways allow in the exception area of your browsers Security under settings.  

NOTE: Some browsers like the one I use force HTTPS for everything and don't give you the option to selectively isolate specific URL's. In this case you generally have to down grade its security to standard protection. Your better to seek help from the inbuilt Web Browser help function on how to do this.

3. Make sure you click the HUD and use the HTTP address and replace any bookmarks.
Khuld by Khuld (240 points)
I finally had luck with Firefox where after logging in the wardrobe website, address should be "http:/....". If I use "http://" it automatically directs you to HTTPS.
Sometimes it forces the URLs to switch to HTTPS so I have to redo the steps (Login and change the URL). Clearing cache for this specific website would work too.
Also helps if you can add the website URLs on your anti virus/security  app.
Mareth by Mareth (1.7k points)

Published by Carlyle in the #CTS-Updates channel of the discord server on 22nd December 2023.

More and more people had problems with HTTP or were scared of the "connection is not private" warning in the browser.

So, as a Christmas gift, HTTPS now works for everyone, without having to jump through hoops (installing the certificate, etc).

If your Wardrobe web page doesn't connect to the HUD after reloading, please reset your HUD (Menu button on the HUD (three green lines) > Setup > Reset HUD).
