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Emeline Thibedeau by Emeline Thibedeau (120 points)
I bought this Wardrobe system simply as a visual aid of my inventory (not to attach / detach anything at all).......is RLV still required for simply entering items into my Wardrobe?

1 Answer

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Slaaaaa Vanderbilt by Slaaaaa Vanderbilt (140 points)
I don't think so. RLV is needed if you want an owner to access the wardrobe.
Mareth by Mareth (1.7k points)
Correct, only if you want to dress via Wardrobe do you have to do the RLV setup side of things.
Emeline Thibedeau by Emeline Thibedeau (120 points)
SMH.......as i said *I* am only one using this entire system, therefore no need for useless RLV.
Emeline Thibedeau by Emeline Thibedeau (120 points)
edited by Emeline Thibedeau
Emeline Thibedeau by Emeline Thibedeau (120 points)
Thank you so much Mareth (and for answering like a normal person who understands my simple tech question and not like what seems to be alot of freakies using this system just cuz it has that rlv thing).
Dakota Chenaux by Dakota Chenaux (190 points)
Wow....so, RLV is needed if you want to use wardrobe and change your outfits from the website instead of the additional step of locating the outfit in your inventory.  You can be "the only" user and it still requires RLV permissions for this feature to work.  This doesn't make someone that DOES use RLV for this purpose a sexual deviant.   No need to be rude or judgmental of others.  Mareth was correct.
Mareth by Mareth (1.7k points)
I should point out, if you do decide to dress via wardrobe. You should never hand out your link to the wardrobe website. In fact you should password protect your wardrobe account.

If you did want others to have access to add/detach things you can do that via shared wardrobe links which is a feature of wardrobe and you can limit what they can have access too as well as the type of access.