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Duckie by Duckie (120 points)
is there a setting somplace so the wardrobe wil look for and show the subfolders containd in the outfit?

1 Answer

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Carlyle Theas by Carlyle Theas (9.8k points)

By default, Wardrobe will not put on the content of subfolders of an item.

You have three possibilities if you want to use subfolders:

  • In Preferences > Dressing > Quick Dress Defaults, if you tick the option "Put on all the items contained in the subfolders of the selected folder", all subfolders of all items will always be put on.
  • If you don't want that, the "Subfolder" line on the items is there for exactly that. Any subfolder you add to the subfolder line will be put on. You can add multiple subfolders by separating them with commas.
    If you're logged on and editing an item, Wardrobe will also fetch the available subfolders for you and display them below the subfolder line, so you can just click to add them.
    Note that if you have defined subfolders on an item, you can also click the name of a subfolder, and it will be put on (only the content of that subfolder).
  • Finally, if you don't want to do any configuration at all: you can click the "Wear with options" icon on an item, the shirt icon with the cog on it. It will list all the subfolders of the item. Click the respective icon to put on or take off the contents of the corresponding subfolder.