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ʜoʀısʟᴧvᴧ ısʜᴛᴧʀı by ʜoʀısʟᴧvᴧ ısʜᴛᴧʀı (120 points)
Hi, I'd like to ask if there is a way to connect items together? I'm using wardrobe more like a gallery of things i have in my inventory and i'd like to connect items together. I'm saving outfits - i put a pic of outfit - and i'd like to connect items together so i know what clothes i'm wearing without opening my outfit in-world. I'm not using RLV option but i'd like to connect it somehow.

1 Answer

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Carlyle Theas by Carlyle Theas (9.4k points)
  • There currently isn't any "outfit builder" in Wardrobe, but you have the option to connect items by specifying that another item should be put on after wearing one or taking one off, or should be detached after one is worn. You can set this in the item's edit window, in the "Dressing" tab.
    This will only be useful when using Wardrobe to dress (which requires RLV).
  • If you want to know what you're currently wearing, you can open the "Worn Outfits" window on your Wardrobe web page.
    This functionality also requires RLV.
  • If you want to connect your web page to your HUD (and to your inventory), this can also only be done by activating RLV.