0 votes
Meenah Mercury by Meenah Mercury (120 points)
Several snapshots showing HUDs have been cropped that used to show the whole thing. Is there a new maximum image dimension I need to be aware of to avoid this in the future?

2 Answers

+1 vote
Carlyle Theas by Carlyle Theas (9.7k points)

The images displayed on the Wardrobe web page have an 1:1 aspect ratio. Images sent to Wardrobe are either cropped or padded (or squished), depending on the context in which they are uploaded.

  • Image sent by e-mail are cropped to the center of the image. So please make sure that what you want the image to show is contained in the center square when you take a snapshot.
  • When you upload images from disk (for both the "Import Snapshots" and "Add Items" options in the "Import" menu), you can crop the images yourself, or extend the dimensions so that all of the original image is contained. By default, the cropping tool will also position itself in the center of the image.
  • The cropping tool will also allow you to squish the image. If you hold down the Shift key while dragging the cropper handles you can resize the selected image portion to a non-1:1 aspect ratio. Upon upload, the image will be resampled to a 1:1 aspect ratio again.
  • Textures are always squished to be square (usually, vendor textures are square, but if they are not, they will be squished).
Wardrobe images are saved as 480x480 pixel images, so any dimension equal or greater to that are fine.
Cropping is a destructive operation, so there is no way of bringing back the portions of the image that have been cut off.
0 votes
Tsulehisanvhi by Tsulehisanvhi (220 points)
I've found that if I hold down shift and drag each side of the crop box individually I can get it to show the full image.