StripMe is an attachment that uses RLV to strip and dress your avatar. It doesn't work on its own, but requires a device, e.g., a tip jar, that sends the stripping and dressing commands.

A tip jar plugin script for that is included and can be configured to your liking. The tip jar plugin script works either as a Xash tip jar plugin, or you can also use it as a plugin for your own personal tip jar.

StripMe has been made extra reliable to make sure that the stripping and dressing actions always work, and features a particle system that will hide your avatar while you're stripping or dressing.


For StripMe to work, you need to enable RLV in your viewer.

To enable StripMe to strip your avatar to various degrees, you have to create a folder structure in your #RLV folder.
The top most folder for StripMe needs to be directly under the #RLV folder and named "StripMe" (without the quotes). Within the StripMe folder you can create any number of folders that will reflect the various dressed states of your avatar. E.g., you could create the following structure with five states between fully dressed and naked:

└ StripMe
  ├ 00 Fully Dressed
  ├ 01 No Top
  ├ 02 Lingerie
  ├ 03 Topless
  └ 04 Naked

Place the attachments and clothing layers in the folders.
Note that folder names need to appear in alphabetical order, from fully dressed to naked (or as naked as you want your avatar to appear in the end), but the actual folder names are irrelevant.


You don't need to do anything for regular use, other than attach the StripMe attachment.

StripMe will cover you in particles as long as you're being stripped or dressed. These particles can be turned off if you don't like them, and their color can be configured. To do so, locate your StripMe attachment in your inventory, right click it and click "Touch". You will be presented with a menu in which you can turn the particles on and off, and in which you can change the particle colors.

Creating Your Tip Jar

To turn your existing tip jar or Xash tip jar into a tip jar that will strip you or your dancers, open the "StripTipJarPlugin" script and make the desired adjustments in the upper part of the script:

    Set the IS_XASH_TIPJAR variable to either TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether you are using Xash tip jars or your own personal tip jar.
    Set this variable to the amount of L$ that needs to be collected until the tip jar will send out a strip command.
    Set this variable to the number of seconds after which your dancers will put something on again. If you want them to stay undressed, set this to a high value.
    Optional. The message that is chatted in local chat when a dancer gets undressed.
    Optional. The UUID of a sound that will be played when a dancer gets undressed.

After adjusting the script to your liking, simply drop it into your Xash or personal tip jar. Note that if you are using a personal tip jar (i.e., IS_XASH_TIPJAR = FALSE), the script will always only send commands to undress or dress the owner of the tip jar and it is assumed that as long as the tip jar is rezzed, any tips received will strip its owner.

Create Your Own Stripping Trigger

You can make StripMe devices react to your own scripts.
All you need to do is send one of the following commands on channel -5928148:


E.g., use the following LSL command to strip Carlyle Theas:
llRegionSay(-5928148, "79937e6d-ece0-4250-89bc-abcacd8b39c5|strip");

Note that the command cannot by chatted directly by an avatar or emitted by an attachment an avatar is wearing. It needs to be an object rezzed in the sim.