
1. Setting up and Configuring a Server.

After unpacking, rez a (CTS) Billboards Server at the location from where you want to control your ad network. Servers are copyable, so you can have as many ad servers as you like.

Right click the server object and switch to the "Content" tab. You will see a notecard there, "Configuration." Open it. The notecard contains the specification how the adboards will look like and how they will interact when someone touches them.

Adboards are one-prim five-fold adboards, which means you can have up to 5 ads on one board (with only one prim). The five adboard slots are numbered 1, 2, ..., 5 from left to right. In the configuration notecard you can see "sections," lines containing [1], [2], etc. These correspond to the adboard slots. Everything below [1] will affect slot 1 of the adboard controlled by the server.

The options to configure an adboard slot are the following:

Note: If you don't need a configuration line you can delete it. The configuration notecard will load faster.

When you click the "Save" button, the server will re-read your configuration notecard.

2. Setting up Adboards.

After creating the configuration notecard you are ready to rez your adboards. Touch the server object and it will whisper some lines of instructions in local chat.

In particular, it will say something like

/88 d7ac512d-ac07-2e28-005d-3d567f3b50a1.
Copy this line. Go to the location where you want to set up your adboard and paste the line you just copied into local chat. The adboard will then connect to the server and the server will send the configuration to the adboard. After some seconds you should see the adboard textures appear.

You can rotate the boards any way you want (e.g., put the horizontally or vertically). The board will detect that it has been rotated and it will adjust (rotate) the textures automatically so that you can always see them correctly.

3. Changing Configurations.

One of the strengths of (CTS) Billboards is re-configurability. If you need to change or replace an ad, just go to your server, open the configuration notecard, make the changes to it and save — and voilà: all your adboards spread over the grid will reflect the changes you made almost immediately.