DJ Titler.

1. What Does It Do? — A Short Description

DJ Titler is a small gadget for DJs that displays their current tune above their head. Additionally, it can also announce the song and messages in local chat.
Every time the song changes, a cute particle effect is shown. This way everyone in the audience knows immediately what you are playing! The audience can also wish songs, and the requests will show as a popup menu in the DJ's viewer.

DJ Titler works with SHOUTcast and icecast (These are two separate version; please select before purchasing).

You can adjust the color of the titler, or let it cycle through colors.

2. Setup and Operation

Wear the titler. It will attach to your left eyeball. As soon as you attach it, you will see some help messages how to use it in local chat (only you can see this).

Set the IP address of your SHOUTcast stream. To do this simply type

    /19 <Your SHOUTcast IP address:Port>

and the titler will start reading the SHOUTcast feed. If your server is not connected, the titler will display "(Server offline)."
<Your SHOUTcast IP address:Port> is the stream's IP address including the port number as you would put it into your parcel's media settings, e.g. If you open the address in a browser you should see a blackish page displaying the current stream information. If you get that, that's the one you need to feed to the DJTitler.

You can turn the DJTitler on or off (show or hide it) by using the following chat commands:

    /19 show
    /19 hide

2.1 Announcing

2.1.1 Announcing Songs

DJ Titler can announce the song in local chat. There are 3 modes: say, shout, and off. To configure announcing, type one of the following in local chat:

    /19 announce say
    /19 announce shout
    /19 announce off

By default, announcing is set to "say."

2.1.2 Announcing Messages and Recurring Announcements

The titler can also announce messages in local chat. The messages are stored in the notecard (Messages) found in the DJTitler's inventory. To modify it you need to locate the DJTitler attached to you (it usually attaches to your head; for seeing it better, choose "Highlight Transparent" from the "View" menu of your viewer, then you should see a sphere near your head). Right click it and chose "Edit," then go to the "Content" tab and open the notecard entitled "Messages." Each line (that isn't preceded by a '#' which marks a comment line) is a message that will be said (or shouted) recurringly in local chat. To enable the messages and recurring song annoucement, you need to use the following command:

    /19 interval <Seconds>
where <Seconds> is the number of seconds between two announcements. (The announcement interval can only be a multiple of 10 seconds.) If the interval is set to 0
    /19 interval 0
recurring annoucement of songs and messages is turned off, i.e. the song will only be announced once when a new song starts, and no messages will be sent.

2.1.3 Announcement Delay

The stream can be ahead of what you are hearing in SL. Hence, the DJTitler may announce songs before they are played in SL. To mitigate this, you can set a delay so that the titler will announce the songs only after that delay.
To set the delay, type

    /19 delay <Seconds>
in local chat, where <Seconds> is the number of seconds by which you want to delay the announcement. (<Seconds> are a multiple of 10 seconds; if the number isn't it will be rounded accordingly.)

2.1.4 Name for Announcing

You can set the name by which the titler announces a song or a message. By default, the name is simply "DJ <Your Name>". You can change it by using

    /19 name <New DJTitler Name>

2.2 Wishing Songs

The DJTitler has a built-in facility that lets the audience make requests that will be shown to the DJ as a popup menu.
As a DJ let your audience know that they can use the chat command

    /19 wish <Text of the request, e.g. song title and artist>
to send a request.

There is a pre-defined message in the DJTitler (" If you have a song wish, please let the DJ know by typing "/19wish <song title and artist>" in local chat. ").

To enable sending the message(s) repeatedly after a period of time, use the command

    /19 interval <Seconds>

The message is contained in the notecard "Messages" in the DJTitler's inventory.
See above, section 2.1, for specifics.

2.2.1 Remote Song Requests

The DJTitler also provides the facility to let a remote audience, i.e., an audience that isn't in the same region (or "sim") as you, make song requests. To enable this, you have to set up a transmitter at the remote site. You can use your tip jar to do this, for instance, or you can use any other object at the remote location. Type

    /19 givescript
in local chat, and the DJTitler will give you its DJTitler script and place it in your inventory. Drop the DJTitler script in the object you want to use as transmitter. The object now acts similar to the DJTitler, i.e., you can configure it to announce songs and display the particle effect just like the DJTitler. The only difference is that the object won't display any text above it as the titler does. When someone in the audience wishes a song using the /19 wish command, the song request will be sent to the DJTitler you are wearing, and displays the popup dialog on your screen. Make sure that you are wearing the DJTitler when using this feature. Otherwise the popups won't be displayed.
If you want to use the remote object only for transmitting song requests, you don't need to configure it (e.g., provide your stream IP, etc.).

In order to activate the remote mode on your DJTitler, you must enable the receiver. Type

    /19 receiver on
in local chat to do this.
    /19 receiver off
turns the remote receiving mode off again.
[Resource usage: activating the remote receiving mode requires one URL.]

2.3 Setting Title, Colors and Particles

2.3.1 Title

You can customize the way your DJTitler looks. For instance you can have some ASCII art with your name in it above the song name. To do this, type

    /19 title <Your title here>
The title can span multiple lines, use the token \n to insert a line break. A few examples are included in the DJTitler's help notecard.

NOTE: This feature isn't available in the Marquee DJ Titler.

2.3.2 Colors

To set titler colors, type

   /19 <Color Name>
in local chat, where is one of the following colors:

  • white
  • blue
  • teal
  • cyan
  • green
  • yellow
  • orange
  • red
  • pink
  • purple

If you want to let your titler cycle through colors, type

    /19 cycle

You can also adjust the colors in a finer way by providing the hue of the color as a number from 0 to 360:

    /19 color <Hue>
Some values for <Hue>, to give you an idea what the color codes mean, are


Every time the song changes, DJTitler displays a cute particle effect. You can turn it on or off by typing

     /19 particles on
     /19 particles off
in local chat. By default, particles are turned on.

You can also start the particle effect manually by typing

     /19 particles
in local chat. This also works if the particles have been turned off.

You can change the particles' colors. By default, the particles start with a random color and do a transition to the titler's color. By typing

    /19 particles color <StartColor> <EndColor>
you can set both the start and end colors.

<StartColor> and <EndColor> can be

  • a color name (white, gray, black, blue, teal, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red, pink, purple),
  • a number, which will be interpreted as a hue as described above,
  • "random" (without quotation marks) for a new random color for each particle effect,
  • "titler" (without quotation marks) to match the titler's text color.
For instance,
    /19 particles color red random
lets the particles start in red and transform to a random color.

2.4 Changing the DJ Titler's Channel

You can change the channel (by default, 19) to which the titler listens to by typing

    /19 channel <New Channel Number>
in local chat. After setting a new channel number, all the channel numbers "/19" in the chat commands listed in this help are to be replaced by the appropriate, newly selected channel. This includes the audience channel. Make sure that the messages contained in the message notecard in the DJTitler's inventory reflect this change.

3. Chat Command Summary

/19 <IP Address:Port> sets the SHOUTcast stream IP address.
/19 show Shows the DJTitler.
/19 hide Hides the DJTitler.
/19 announce say|shout|off Sets the announce mode.
/19 name <DJTitler Announce Name> Sets the name that is used for announcements.
/19 title <DJTitler Title> Sets the DJTitler's title displayed above the song name. Not available in the Marquee DJ Titler.
/19 interval <Seconds> Sets the number of seconds to elapse between announcement (messages stored in the "Messages" notecard, current song title and artist).
/19 cycle Starts color cycling: the DJTitler's text will cycle through all colors.
/19 white|blue|teal|cyan|green| yellow|orange|red|pink|purple Sets the DJTitler's text color.
/19 color <Hue> Sets the DJTitler's text color to <Hue>.
/19 particles on|off Turns the particle effect on/off.
/19 particles Shows/tests the particle effect any time (also works if the particles have been turned off).
/19 particles color <StartColor> <EndColor> Sets the particle color to start with <StartColor> and end with <EndColor> with a color transition in between. Both <StartColor> and <EndColor> can be:
  • one of the color names listed above
  • a number, which will be interpreted as a hue as described in 2.3
  • "random" (without quotation marks) for a new random color for each particle effect
  • "titler" (without quotation marks) to match the titler's text color
/19 delay <Seconds> Delays the announcement by <Seconds> seconds (mostly the stream is a few seconds ahead than what you hear in SL, so the DJTitler announces the songs too early). <Seconds> is a multiple of 10 seconds, or if it isn't it will be rounded accordingly.
/19 receiver on|off Turns the remote receiving mode on or off. Used for song requests from remote sites. Cf. section 2.2.1 for details.
/19 help Displays a help message.
/19 showconfig Shows the current DJTitler configuration.
/19 channel <New Channel Number> sets the channel to which the titler listens to <New Channel Number>. After setting a new channel number, all the channel numbers "/19" in the chat commands listed in this help are to be replaced by the appropriate, newly selected channel. This includes the audience channel. Make sure that the messages contained in the message notecard in the DJTitler's inventory reflect this change.
/19 wish <Song request> Lets the DJ know a song request, it will show a popup containing the text <Song request>.

4. Change Log

  • v1.14 (September 2015) Use icecast's JSON data if available to get song data
  • v1.13 (February 2014) icecast version
  • v1.12 (February 2014) Bug fix for song titles containing commas
  • v1.11 (September 2013) Force the titler to use SHOUTcast v2 if a SID is provided
    Stream status detection in v2.
  • v1.10 (August 2013) Bugfix in SHOUTcast v2 version detection.
  • v1.9 (June 2013) Added support for SHOUTcast v2
    Particle bug fix
  • v1.8 (August 2011) Added particle color choosing.
    Added facility to change the titler's channel.
  • v1.7 (April 2011) Service Release. Updated URL (to reflect the new (CTS) domain) for remote song wishing.
  • v1.6 (August 2010) Added remote song requesting.
    New particle effect.
  • v1.5 (April 2010) Added delay.
    Added title (shown above the song name).
  • v1.4 (April 2010) Name of the DJTitler (shown when it announces a song or a message) can be configured.
    Now allows the audience to wish songs.
    Recurring announcement of songs.
    Chat messages.
  • v1.3 (March 2010) DJTitler can be turned on/off.
  • v1.2 (March 2010) Bug fixes (Color cycling, particles).
  • v1.1 (February 2010) Added announcing, particle effect.
  • v1.0 (January 2010) Initial version.